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Sample Portfolios
The portfolios below constitute samples only, of how each user can create any portfolio for own monitoring and use. The portfolios are not in any way subject for active portfolio management, describing only a situation at a specific point in history, and hence, is not a recommendation, and do not enable imitation of a portfolio or a therein presented strategy.
Sample Portfolio - Precious metals equities
Portfolio content and return
The portfolio below constitute a sample only, of how each user can create any portfolio for own monitoring and use. The portfolio is not in any way subject for active portfolio management, describing only a situation at a specific point in history, and hence, is not a recommendation, and do not enable imitation of the portfolio or a therein presented strategy.
Three gold- and two silver mines. On the stock market precious metals equities appear to form something of a, partly secretive, department for ‘special-operations’. The members of this small department usually spend their time in the company of likeminded, under the radar and out of sight and interest from the larger public. Occasionally however, but seldom, this small department for special operations is approached from headquarters (=the general equity market) usually with a request for urgent assistance in resolving some rare and complicated issue that demands special skills only mastered by this special-operations department. Right now one would not be surprised if such an urgent request for assistance already would be in the mail containing a request for asset allocation help in a very troublesome monetary policy and inflation environment. Remember however that precious metals equities are probably the single most volatile sub-sector on the stock market facing recurring spats of violent swings. A rising gold price is a prerequisite for successful investments in precious metal equities. (10.6.2022)
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